Ab der Kurssaison 25/26 sind unsere beliebten Gymivorbereitungskurse auch in Meilen geplant.
Die Palette wird reguläre und verkürzte Gymivorbereitungskurse, Ferienkurse sowie Aufsatzkurse umfassen.
In unseren Gymivorbereitungskursen lernst du alles Wichtige rund um die zentrale Aufnahmeprüfung (ZAP). Wir befassen uns von Anfang an intensiv mit möglichen Prüfungsaufgaben auf dem Niveau der Kantonsschule. Mit einem Notenschnitt von 5.0 auf der Primarstufe und 4.75 auf der Sekundarstufe bist du für eine Teilnahme an unseren Vorbereitungskursen bestens gerüstet.
Gymivorbereitungskurse für die zentrale Aufnahmeprüfung des Langzeitgymnasiums. Diverse Standorte im Kanton Zürich.
Learn moreGymivorbereitung für die zentrale Aufnahmeprüfung des Kurzzeitgymnasiums. Diverse Standorte im Kanton Zürich.
Noch ist der Durchführungsort unserer Gymivorbereitungskurse offen. Wie bei unseren anderen Standorten wird er in Bahnhofsnähe und damit optimal mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln sein.
Zur KursübersichtMit ihrem Bachelor in Kommunikation im Fachbereich Angewandte Linguistik ist Vivien unsere Expertin, wenn es um die sprachliche Gestaltung geht. Auch mathematische Inhalte vermittelt sie mit einer beeindruckenden Leichtigkeit.
Laura ist ausgebildete Primarlehrerin und begleitet Schüler/-innen mit viel Feingefühl und Fachkompetenz auf dem Weg ins Gymnasium. Auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse ihrer Schützlinge einzugehen, ist dabei ihre grosse Stärke.
Martin studiert an der Pädagogischen Hochschule auf der Sekundarstufe. Diskussionen über die korrekte Kommasetzung führt er genauso gerne wie er mathematische Formeln weitergibt - das macht ihn zu unserem fachlichen Allrounder.
Below you will find frequently asked questions about the central entrance exam and our Gymi-preparation.
Our course folder is structured on the basis of subject-specific dossiers. We have analyzed numerous exams and worked out the most important topics for each subject. At the beginning of each lesson there is a repetition of the relevant basics, after which as many exam tasks as possible are solved. This gives students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with different types of tasks on the same topic.
The course days alternate weekly between math and German. Repetition lessons take place at regular intervals between the individual course days, in which the theory is repeated and consolidated using examples.
Our analog course material is supplemented by a comprehensive digital course platform. This contains numerous explanatory videos, additional series of exercises and our checkpoints.
We deliberately focus on more compact course days paired with repetition lessons and clearly structured homework between courses.
It has been scientifically proven that the concentration span of young people decreases significantly after a short time. Our own experience also shows that students benefit much more if the input is kept relatively short and is followed by a repetition of what they have learned during the week.
Incidentally, each revision lesson is also available as a recording afterwards and can therefore be watched as often as required.
Nehmen Sie für ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch per Email (info@gymivorbereitung-fokus.ch) oder per Telefon (044 203 16 38) mit uns Kontakt auf. Wir stellen Ihnen gerne unser Kursangebot vor und suchen gemeinsam nach einer für Sie passenden Lösung.
In our courses, we focus on exam tasks right from the start, allowing young people to get used to the different types of tasks. The topic-specific dossiers enable structured lessons, which are supplemented by regular revision lessons and motivating online checkpoints. Our detailed essay corrections are our trademark - we know how important the essay is in the exam and we weight this accordingly.
Our courses not only impart the necessary technical knowledge, but also cover learning and examination strategies. In addition, most courses include a mock exam, which provides optimal training.
Our dynamic course instructors are also worth mentioning; they manage to motivate, challenge and support the young people. They all have a pedagogical background and convey the subject matter with ease. Each group has a chat to ensure close support outside of course times, so questions can be asked easily and answered quickly.
Last but not least, our fair prices set us apart from the competition. As primary school teachers, we are convinced that educational success should not be dependent on financial means. Our pricing policy is designed in such a way that we can ensure very high quality in terms of our teachers, teaching materials and facilities. At the same time, our students should be able to benefit from reasonable prices. We are happy to make generous price concessions in the event of financial bottlenecks.
Under this link you will find general information about the entrance examination for the long-term gymnasium.
Under this link you will find general information about the entrance exam for the short-term gymnasium.
We have also compiled all the important information on our page about the gymnasium exam. Incidentally, you can also find old exams here, which are ideal for additional training sessions.
6. Primary level: The average of the preliminary grade (average German & mathematics in the report) and the examination grade (average German & mathematics in the examination) must now be at least 4.75. Previously, the average was only 4.5.
For pupils from private schools, preliminary grades still do not count. A minimum average of 4.5 must be achieved in the exam.
2nd/3rd secondary level: The French exam is no longer required, only German and mathematics are tested. The average of the subjects German, mathematics, English, French and science and technology now count as a preliminary grade. Please note: However, these only count if all level 1 subjects are taken at elementary school. Otherwise, no preliminary grades count.
The average of the examination grade and the preliminary grade must be at least 4.75 in order to pass. If no preliminary grades count - for example, because you attend a private school or because you do not attend all level 1 subjects - the average of the examination grades must be at least 4.5.
The oral examination has been abolished.
Thanks to our wide range of courses, we can cater to individual wishes and requirements. For example, our regular courses can be combined with intensive courses in essay writing or mathematics. If you notice gaps in one of the two subjects, these are ideal supplements.
Many participants also book our exam preparation courses during the school vacations; these are intended as a final polish and are particularly suitable if you want to practice for the exam and gain confidence.
We are convinced that an optimal Gymi-preparation should not be dependent on financial means! For this reason, we have developed a scholarship program that supports talented students from socio-economically disadvantaged families. Please read the information flyer carefully and send us the completed application form including the listed documents if you are interested.
Holders of the Kulturlegi also benefit from a 60% discount on all courses!
We are happy to support you on your way to grammar school. Book your suitable grammar school preparation course with us now!
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