In the first three days, we solve various exam tasks on all topics that may appear in the Gymi exam. We also consolidate essay writing and discuss exam strategies.
To make sure you are well prepared for the big day, we will write a mock exam where everything will be exactly the same as the real entrance exam.
To help you learn from your mistakes, we will discuss the mock exam in detail step by step. You will also receive detailed written feedback on your essay.
The aim is for you to gain confidence and approach the official exam full of self-assurance.
Text comprehension
Language observation & grammar
Number and variable
Form and space
Sizes, functions and data
The course will be offered in the following weeks:
10.02. - 14.02.2025
17.02. - 21.02.2025
24.02 - 28.02.2025
Our teachers are selected with the utmost care, have a pedagogical background and a great deal of experience in the field Gymi-preparation.
Essay training is a core component of our courses. The planning, writing and revising of texts is developed step by step and internalized through regular writing assignments.
Success or failure in the exam depends not only on technical ability, but also on methodological skills. This is why we also deliberately teach various examination and learning strategies.
The mock exam, which is part of the course, is conducted in exactly the same way as the real exam. This means that participants know what to expect on the big day.
No, you don't have to. You will receive an invoice at the end of the month with all the tutoring lessons.
Of course - you can decide individually when and how many tutoring lessons you need. This can be significantly more one week than the next.
You can also decide this yourself - many students would like to discuss the documents from school together and therefore take them with them to tutoring. However, we are also happy to put together additional material for you.
As long as you cancel at least 24 hours in advance, we will not charge for the lesson. If you are unable to attend at very short notice, we will unfortunately have to charge you for the lesson, as we would like to pay the teachers their usual wages in such cases - and they have already fully prepared for the lesson.
In order to guarantee optimal support, our courses are limited to a maximum of 8 participants in the six-month courses and 10 participants in the intensive and vacation courses.
Of course, we are always available for our students and are happy to help with any questions. We have group chats in the respective course groups to make it easy to get in touch.
The course fee includes a comprehensive folder with theory, exercises and solutions. Students also receive access to our digital course platform with explanatory videos, numerous additional exercises and checkpoints. We are also happy to put together additional materials on request.
In the voluntary revision lessons, all the relevant basics that were previously discussed in the course are repeated again. The lesson is recorded so that you have the opportunity to watch it afterwards if you are unable to attend live. Our checkpoints are specially developed interim tests that can be completed after each learning unit. This means that young people always know exactly what they have already mastered and what they still need to work on.